Call us on 02871 377777 or Click to Download Referral Form
Counselling Helpline for Male Victims of Domestic, Sexual and Coercive Behaviour on 028 7122 6530 on Weekdays 9:00 – 16:00
Due to funding cuts, we are no longer able to facilitate several of our previous programmes.
Men’s Action Network will not work with any man who perpetrates domestic or sexual violence towards a woman or child.
Men’s Action Network define a perpetrator as someone who has a conviction in law for abuse against another person. For Example (but not limited to)
- An interim or ongoing non-molestation order.
- A conviction for Actual Bodily Harm (ABH).
- A conviction for Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH).
- A conviction for Voluntary Manslaughter.
- A conviction for Attempted Murder.
- A conviction for Murder.
- A conviction for any Sexual Offence.
Current Programmes
Anger Awareness
Early intervention and preventive measures to give insight into anger. Aiming to prevent unhealthy, abusive, social or domestic interactions.
A series of self awareness modules which explores lifestyle choices and their consequences.
Connecting men throughout the island with others who wish to explore focused but relaxed themes around common issues.